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African choir sings for democracy, education

Donations will help education in country hurt by war, corruption


As its war-ravaged nation prepares for its first nationwide election in four decades, a group of African singers has traveled to Charlotte to raise awareness for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

"People often don't have a chance to see much African culture," said Bernard Manseka, president of the Congolese Community of Charlotte.

The elections are considered to be a key step toward stability for the country after decades of war and corrupt military rule. Nearly 4 million people have died, mostly of hunger or disease.

"Our country has been shaking," said Mathilde Kitoko, 49, a local leader of the Congolese community in Charlotte. "Economically and politically, things are not good."

Nearly 3,000 Congolese people live in Charlotte, according to Congolese Community of Charlotte, a local nonprofit. Most came to the United States as refugees during the 1980s.

The Congo Presbyterian choir, sponsored by the Presbyterian Church (USA), will perform tonight at New Hampton Presbyterian Church as part of a nine-week tour of the Eastern U.S.

The concert is free. However, donations will be used to support education in the Congo through The Sheppard and Lapsley Presbyterian University of the Congo, organizers said.

Manseka said the choir's visit not only will give Americans a taste of Congolese culture, but he added it's also a more tangible connection for many in the local Congolese with their homeland.

"From them, we will receive the real messages of what is happening in the Congo," he said. "They are witnesses about everyday life."

Want to Go?

The Congo Choir will give its final gospel performance at 7 p.m. tonight at New Hampton Presbyterian Church, 211 Hampton Church Road. For more information, call 704-376-3695, ext. 264.

The Charlotte Observer

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